Pet Stain Removal

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At Southern Coast Janitorial we want to make sure we provide you with as many tips as possible, if you are looking to do the work yourself. But if you need help we are always here.

  • Dilute the spot with a damp cloth.
  • Clean the area with an acid solution consisting of one quart of water mixed with one teaspoon white vinegar.
  • You can also apply a pet bacteria/enzyme digester to the area according to the product directions.
  • After applying the solution, cover the area with plastic and step on the spot several times until the urine stain is well-saturated.
  • Keep the plastic over the pet stain the entire time the digester works to make sure the stain doesn’t dry out.
  • Rinse the area with the vinegar solution.
  • Then apply a fresh batch of bacteria/enzyme digester solution.
  • If the stain is still there, have the carpet cleaned with extraction.
  • You may also consider replacing the pad underneath the carpet.

If you need any other home or office cleaning tips for your Santa Barbara home or office visit our Cleaning Tips page.


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